동물 - Animal

오랑우탄 종이모형 - Orangutan

Paperyo 2024. 11. 29. 00:04





도면 아티스트 : Katsuyuki Shiga (Pinoart)

난이도 : ★★ ★ ☆☆

도면 용지 수 : 7장

설명서 용지 수 : 4장

도면 & 이미지 출처 : 일본 캐논 크리에이티브 파크 / cp.c-ij.com

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오랑우탄(말레이어: orang hutan ‘숲의 사람’, 영어: orangutan)은 인도네시아와 말레이시아의 보르네오섬과 수마트라섬에만 분포하는, 긴 팔과 붉은 털을 가진 대형 유인원이다. 본디 두 섬의 오랑우탄은 연관된 아종으로 여겨졌으나, 최근 연구를 통해 별도의 종으로 분리되었다. 나무 위에 사는 영장류 중 가장 크다. 오랑우탄 중에서는 보르네오오랑우탄이 수마트라오랑우탄보다 약간 더 크다.

생각과 행동이 매우 신중하며 고릴라 다음으로 몸집이 큰 유인원이다. 키는 수컷이 cm, 암컷이 cm 정도이고 몸무게는 수컷이 kg, 암컷이 kg 정도이다. 오랑우탄의 팔은 서 있을 때 발목까지 닿는다. 수컷은 팔을 벌렸을 때의 길이가 m가 되는 것도 있다. 온몸은 적갈색의 긴 털로 덮여 있으나 얼굴에는 털이 없고 어른이 된 수컷은 몸에서부터 가슴에 걸쳐 큰 목구멍주머니가 발달하여 얼굴 양족에 큰 주름이 생긴 독특한 모습으로 변모한다. 손바닥은 넓고 길며 첫째손가락은 매우 짧다. 거의 나무 위에서 생활하는데, 팔로 숲 꼭대기까지 기어올라가 조심스럽게 돌아다니며, 때로는 이 가지에서 저 가지 사이를 구름다리 타듯이 옮겨다닌다. 먹이는 야생 새알도 먹지만 주로 나무열매를 좋아하며, 한 나무의 열매를 다 먹을 때까지 며칠이라도 그 나무 부근에 머물러 있는다. 아주 드물지만 육식하는 경우가 있으며, 그 밖에 영양가가 풍부한 흙, 꽃 등을 먹기도 한다. 밤에는 나뭇가지를 꺾어 휘어서 보금자리를 만들어 잠을 잔다. 보금자리는 수일간 사용할 때도 있으나 매일 새로 만들어질 때가 많다.

단독생활을 하는 경우도 많지만 무리 생활도 하며, 무리를 이룰 때는 어른이 된 수컷과 암컷이 짝을 이룰 때도 있고 -마리의 암컷과 새끼들로 이룰 때도 있다. 모자간의 관계는 안정되어 있어서 새끼는 다 자랄 때까지 어미 곁에 있다가 성장하면 어미의 곁을 떠난다. 대체적으로 조용하고 온순하여 애완용 및 곡마용으로 키워지기 위해 사람에게 많이 잡혀간다. 남획과 삼림의 벌채로 야생 상태의 오랑우탄은 멸종위기종이며, 절멸을 막기 위해 보호되고 있다. 최근들어 벌채와 채광, 산불 등의 증가로 인해 서식지가 빠르게 파괴되고 있다. 현재 남은 오랑우탄 개체들은 ,마리는 충분히 되는 것으로 보이나, 빠르게 감소하고 있어 보호가 시급하다.

오랑우탄의 잠재적 천적은 호랑이, 구름표범, 승냥이무리, 바다악어, 말레이가비알로 알려져 있다. 보르네오에는 호랑이, 승냥이가 없기 때문에 보르네오오랑우탄이 수마트라오랑우탄보다 땅에서 더 자주 발견되는 이유로 제안되었다.


Orangutans are great apes native to the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. They are now found only in parts of Borneo and Sumatra, but during the Pleistocene they ranged throughout Southeast Asia and South China. Classified in the genus Pongo, orangutans were originally considered to be one species. From 1996, they were divided into two species: the Bornean orangutan (P. pygmaeus, with three subspecies) and the Sumatran orangutan (P. abelii). A third species, the Tapanuli orangutan (P. tapanuliensis), was identified definitively in 2017. The orangutans are the only surviving species of the subfamily Ponginae, which diverged genetically from the other hominids (gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans) between 19.3 and 15.7 million years ago.

The most arboreal of the great apes, orangutans spend most of their time in trees. They have proportionally long arms and short legs, and have reddish-brown hair covering their bodies. Adult males weigh about 75 kg (165 lb), while females reach about 37 kg (82 lb). Dominant adult males develop distinctive cheek pads or flanges and make long calls that attract females and intimidate rivals; younger subordinate males do not and more resemble adult females. Orangutans are the most solitary of the great apes: social bonds occur primarily between mothers and their dependent offspring. Fruit is the most important component of an orangutan's diet, but they will also eat vegetation, bark, honey, insects and bird eggs. They can live over 30 years, both in the wild and in captivity.

Orangutans are among the most intelligent primates. They use a variety of sophisticated tools and construct elaborate sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. The apes' learning abilities have been studied extensively. There may be distinctive cultures within populations. Orangutans have been featured in literature and art since at least the 18th century, particularly in works that comment on human society. Field studies of the apes were pioneered by primatologist Birutė Galdikas and they have been kept in captive facilities around the world since at least the early 19th century.

All three orangutan species are considered critically endangered. Human activities have caused severe declines in populations and ranges. Threats to wild orangutan populations include poaching (for bushmeat and retaliation for consuming crops), habitat destruction and deforestation (for palm oil cultivation and logging), and the illegal pet trade. Several conservation and rehabilitation organisations are dedicated to the survival of orangutans in the wild.