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수달 - Otter 본문

Animal - 동물

수달 - Otter

수달(水㺚/水獺)은 식육목 족제비과의 포유류이자 반수생, 수생 또는 해양동물이다. 학명은 Lutra lutra이다. 유라시아수달 또는 유럽수달(영어: Eurasian otter 또는 European otter)로도 불린다.

The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), also known as the European otter, Eurasian river otter, common otter, and Old World otter, is a semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia. The most widely distributed member of the otter subfamily (Lutrinae) of the weasel family (Mustelidae), it is found in the waterways and coasts of Europe, many parts of Asia, and parts of northern Africa. The Eurasian otter has a diet mainly of fish, and is strongly territorial. It is endangered in some parts of its range, but is recovering in others.


도면 & 이미지 출처 : 일본 캐논 크리에이티브 파크 / cp.c-ij.com

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