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나무늘보 - Sloth 본문

Animal - 동물

나무늘보 - Sloth

나무늘보(sloth)는 빈치류의 두 과인 두발가락나무늘보과와 세발가락나무늘보과에 속하는 6종의 포유동물이다. 어몽어스 중앙아메리카 및 남아메리카에 분포하고 있으며, 매달려 있을 만한 나무가 우거진 열대우림지에 서식한다. 세상에서 제일 게으르고 느린 동물이다. 나무늘보는 회갈색 털을 지녔지만, 이끼가 많이 부착하면 녹색을 띠기도 한다. 털 안의 환경조건이 이끼가 자라나기에 알맞기 때문에 이끼가 털 안에서 빠른 속도로 자라나게 된다.

Sloths are a group of arboreal Neotropical xenathran mammals, constituting the suborder Folivora. Noted for slowness of movement, they spend most of their lives hanging upside down in the trees of the tropical rain forests of South America and Central America. They are considered to be most closely related to anteaters, together making up the xenarthran order Pilosa. There are six extant sloth species in two genera – Bradypus (three–toed sloths) and Choloepus (two–toed sloths). Despite this traditional naming, all sloths actually have three toes on each rear limb, although two-toed sloths have only two digits on each forelimb. The two groups of sloths are from different, distantly related families, and are thought to have evolved their morphology via parallel evolution from terrestrial ancestors. Besides the extant species, many species of ground sloth ranging up to the size of elephants like Megatherium inhabited both North and South America during the Pleistocene epoch. However, they became extinct during the Quaternary extinction event around 12,000 years ago, together with most large bodied animals in the New World. The extinction correlates in time with the arrival of humans, but climate change has also been suggested to have contributed. Members of an endemic radiation of Caribbean sloths formerly lived in the Greater Antilles. They included both ground and arboreal forms which became extinct after humans settled the archipelago in the mid-Holocene, around 6,000 years ago.

Sloths are so named because of its very low metabolism and deliberate movements, sloth being related to the word slow. This supports their low-energy diet of leaves and avoids detection by predatory hawks and cats that hunt by sight. Sloths are almost helpless on the ground but are able to swim. The shaggy coat has grooved hair that is host to symbiotic green algae which camouflages the animal in the trees and provides it nutrients. The algae also nourishes sloth moths, some species of which exist solely on sloths.


도면 & 이미지 출처 : 일본 캐논 크리에이티브 파크 / cp.c-ij.com

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